Przejdź do treści

Meble-Okmed Demko jest uznanym producentem mebli z ponad 30-letnią tradycją.

Misją naszej firmy jest podążanie za najnowszymi trendami branży meblowej oraz oferowanie Klientom mebli wysokiej jakości w rozsądnej cenie.

Historia naszej firmy sięga końca 
lat 80-tych.

Od samego początku działalności naszym celem był nieustanny rozwój i ulepszanie procesów produkcyjnych.

Dzięki temu obecnie jesteśmy średniej wielkości przedsiębiorstwem dysponującym najnowocześniejszym parkiem maszynowym oraz doświadczoną, wysoko wykwalifikowaną kadrą kierowniczą i personelem. Ze względu na lokalizację naszej firmy korzystamy z wielu oferowanych przez Unię Europejską programów wspierających rozwój przedsiębiorstw. Daje nam to możliwość stałego podnoszenia jakości naszych produktów z jednoczesnym zachowaniem niskich cen.

Od roku 2017 nasza spółka jest członkiem Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Producentów Mebli. Jest to organizacja skupiająca polskie firmy przemysłu meblarskiego. Izba powstała w 1996r. i aktywnie wspiera rozwój branży meblarskiej oraz promuje polskie meble w kraju i zagranicą.

Andrzej Demko Prezes zarządu

Wyróżniamy się nowoczesnym designem i wysoką jakością wykonania naszych mebli. Dbamy o wysoki poziom obsługi Klientów i Kontrahentów. Dzięki temu jesteśmy rozpoznawalni na rynku międzynarodowym jako uznany producent oraz partner biznesowy.


Lat doświadczenia



Doświadczonych pracowników



Projektów w realizacji


1 mln

Zadowolonych klientów


Kariera Dołącz do nas

Jesteśmy firmą, która nie tylko tworzy meble, ale również kształtuje przestrzeń, w której ludzie pracują i się inspirują. Jeśli stawiasz na rozwój zawodowy, innowacyjne podejście do designu i chcesz być częścią twórczego procesu, to czekamy właśnie na Ciebie!


Okmed Demko furniture General partnership, i.e. Polish production and 30 years of experience

Do you want to get to know Meble Okmed a little better? We are very pleased. We will be happy to tell you about our history and what we do every day.

Meble Okmed is a Polish furniture manufacturer. We are a family company withabove30 years of tradition and extensive experience in the industry. During this time, we have managed to get to know the secrets of production and materials, as well as the needs of our customers. As a result, we focus primarily on high quality, which we manage to combine with reasonable prices and the latest interior design trends. We know that expectations regarding furniture are very different. That is why our assortment is constantly expanding and now covers almost all home spaces. We offer stylish furniture, yet rich in simple and practical solutions. In a word: we meet the needs of modern users and make their everyday lives easier.

Manufacturer of kitchen, living room, bathroom furniture and more

As an experienced furniture manufacturer, we offer a variety of home furnishings. Our proposals will be perfect for various rooms. We offer our clients, among others: modern and attractively priced kitchen and bathroom furniture. We can also boast a wide selection of living room furniture, including very practical furnituremodular.

Okmed Demko furniture is furniture with tradition – how did it start?

Okmed Demko furniture is much more than a business for us. It is also passion, family tradition and constant desire to develop. The history of our company dates back to the late 1980s. We started as a small company. The desire to expand services and improve products has allowed us to build a brand valued on the furniture market. We currently havemodernmachinery. We can also boast of invaluable staff and experienced, highly qualified management staff. Even though our furniture company has expanded significantly, we have not lost our passion and have not fallen into routine. Our priority is still to offer products that meet the highest standards. These are proposals distinguished by their interesting design and extremely important functionality.

High quality and low prices? It’s possible!

Okmed furniture is characterized by a combination of high-quality products with customer-friendly prices. How do we manage to create such an offer? We’re already explaining. We use many programs offered by the European Union to support the development of enterprises. Thanks to this, we can continue to improve the quality of our products while maintaining low prices. We believe in the principle that designer furniture should be available for every budget. So we have created a truly competitive offer that stands out on the market.

A furniture company valued in Poland and beyond

We managed to create a furniture company appreciated not only in Poland, but also abroad. It’s all thanks to passion, experience and hard work.We have successfully cooperated with many different trading companies.We offer our furniture both on the Polish market and on the markets of Western European and Eastern countries. When contacting our clients, we highly value professionalism and a high level of service. Based on these values, we have managed to build a reputation as a solid company and a good business partner. It is a reason for us to be happy and at the same time an effective motivation in our daily work.

FSC® certified furniture – we produce responsibly, with respect for nature

At Meble Okmed, we realize that even the most beautiful interiors cannot be created at the expense of nature. Therefore, modern production should be carried out with respect for the natural environment. However, we do not want our position to be perceived as just empty words. That is why most of our furniture is FSC® certified products. What does it mean? This certificate guarantees that the wood used in production comes from responsibly managed forests or other sources that respect the rights of communities and protect ecosystems. The FSC® certificate held by our furniture is the best and fully credible proof that the Okmed furniture company supports responsible forest management. We are very proud of it.

Meble Okmed – member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers

While presenting the nature of our activities, it is also worth mentioning that since 2017, Meble Okmed Demko has been a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Furniture Manufacturers. This organization has existed since 1996 and brings together Polish companies operating in the furniture industry. The Chamber not only actively supports the development of the industry, but also promotes Polish furniture in the country and abroad.

Passion, experience, constant development, focus on the real needs of customers, passion for good design and high-quality materials obtained with respect for the environment – this is how Meble Okmed Demko can be briefly described. We encourage you to check out our products and wish you successful shopping.

The management board of Meble-Okmed Demko Sp. J

Inna nazwa certyfikatu

Od roku 2017 nasza spółka jest członkiem Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Producentów Mebli.

Inna nazwa certyfikatu

Od roku 2017 nasza spółka jest członkiem Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Producentów Mebli.

Inna nazwa certyfikatu

Od roku 2017 nasza spółka jest członkiem Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Producentów Mebli.

Inna nazwa certyfikatu

Od roku 2017 nasza spółka jest członkiem Ogólnopolskiej Izby Gospodarczej Producentów Mebli.